Higher Education ​SPROUT Project



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Self-directed Learning Achievement Exhibitions

Advancing Teaching Innovation

Fulfilling Social Responsibility

Strengthening Industry Academia Collaboration

Promoting Higher Education Accessibility

National Chiayi University (NCYU), through a subsidy from the Higher Education SPROUT Project, has organized the Self-​directed Learning Achievement Exhibition Week (called initially Specialty Week) Joint Publicity Event. The NCYU hopes that ​successively promoting events exhibiting self-directed learning achievements in different fields can build a platform and a ​site for self-directed learning and ultimately achieve the objective of interdisciplinary, integrated, and lifelong learning.

Organized by the Department of ​Horticulture, the Department ​conducted diverse activities based ​on the theme of rainforest ecology.

Bouquets were sold during Horticulture ​Week

Students from the Cloud Mountaineering ​Club organized them. Students creatively ​exhibited mountaineering culture.

Mountaineering gear and cultural ​creative products were on display during ​Mountaineering Week

The event was organized by the Department of ​Animal Science, which fully realized the concept of ​“farm to table” by integrating Department of Animal ​Science-related knowledge into static posters, ramp-​up games, products created by students during their ​internships, and exhibits of actual animals.

Roast chicken, sausages, and chicken wings ​were sold during Animal Science Week

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Subsidizing International Exchanges for ​Teachers and Students

Advancing ​Teaching ​Innovation

Fulfilling Social Responsibility

Strengthening Industry Academia Collaboration

Promoting Higher Education Accessibility

Ripped Paper Line Texture

A joyful group photo after the road race

Group photo with the Director of ​the Daegu Sports Association

The Director of the Daegu Sports ​Association introduces the instruments ​and areas within the site

The NCYU Higher Education Sprout Project encourages professors ​to lead students in undertaking international study. From March 29 ​to April 4, 2024, NCYU’s Department of Physical Education ​professors traveled to South Korea to meet with the Daegu Sports ​Association for the Disabled.

Students expressed that they constantly had opportunities to learn throughout the international visit. Additionally, they ​thanked the NCYU for granting a subsidy, allowing them to further their professional development, promote cross-​cultural understanding, and establish friendships.

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Holding the Creative Thinking ​Edutainment Camp

Advancing ​Teaching ​Innovation

Fulfilling Social Responsibility

Strengthening Industry Academia Collaboration

Promoting Higher Education Accessibility

The NCYU Higher, Education Sprout Program, continuously holds community ​service and regional revitalization events to guide students in service. During ​the Creative Thinking Edutainment Camp event, NCYU students honed their ​skills at guided thinking activities. They felt the delight of guiding NCYU children ​in open-minded thinking and witnessed the power of the NCYU children’s ​creative thinking.

NCYU students lead elementary NCYU children ​in group activities

NCYU students who participated in ​the Creative Thinking Edutainment ​Camp expressed that they reaped ​significant benefits. The whole event ​itinerary received a satisfaction score ​of 86.7%. The NCYU children who ​participated also successively ​expressed their love for the event.

NCYU students lead elementary NCYU ​children in small group activities

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The HESP Events This Year Attracted ​Over 23,000 People

Advancing ​Teaching ​Innovation

Fulfilling Social Responsibility

Strengthening Industry Academia Collaboration

Promoting Higher Education Accessibility

To promote the 2nd Phase of the Higher Education Sprout Project, NCYU has held over 270 events to date. This series of ​events has garnered widespread participation, attracting more than 23,000 attendees from inside and outside the ​NCYU. NCYU has conducted various classes, lectures, and workshops to strengthen interaction between students and ​the community, which has had an outstanding positive effect on cultivating students’ key competencies and deepening ​social engagement, aligning with various United Nations SDGs and the six critical competencies for students.

placed 1st

Self-directed learning accounts for 29.38% of all activities

NCYU conducts self-directed learning activities at multiple venues ​to enhance students' motivation and ability to study ​independently and showcase their major courses' comprehensive ​study results.

NCYU organizes campus visits for students from various senior ​high NCYUs. NCYU teachers and students guide visiting students ​in exploring university majors.

Social engagement at 20.53%

placed 2nd

Senior high school students visit NCYU

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NCYU Higher Education SPROUT Project ​Promotes STEM+A Event

Advancing ​Teaching ​Innovation

Fulfilling Social Responsibility

Promoting Higher Education Accessibility

Strengthening Industry Academia Collaboration

To align with the Ministry of Education’s Higher Education Sprout Project and the ​National Science and Technology Council’s Popular Science Project, enhance ​students’ understanding of advanced science and technology, and cultivate talents ​needed in related industries, NCYU organized a Semiconductor Research Camp for ​the Chiayi County Yung Ching Senior High School. NCYU professors and students ​led the Senior High School students in conducting experiments and familiarizing ​themselves with relevant instruments and equipment.

Group photo of teachers and students from the Chiayi ​County Yung Ching Senior High School Research Camp

Experimental site

Photo of the Chiayi County Yung​ Ching Senior High School Principal​ Chun-Sung Kuo and NCYU Professor​ Chang-Feng Yu​

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Implementing Financial Aid, Guidance, ​and Care

Advancing ​Teaching ​Innovation

Fulfilling Social Responsibility

Strengthening Industry Academia Collaboration

Promoting Higher Education Accessibility

In 2024, NCYU continuously promoted SPROUT financial aid, guidance, and care to enhance student’s ​critical abilities for self-directed learning.

Morality Education Lecture

The scholarship for disadvantaged ​students and Financial Aid Informational ​Meetings

Rental Housing Safety Lectures

Informational meetings were held on three ​campuses to help students quickly understand ​how to apply for scholarships and financial aid. ​For implementation measures, please see the ​website(https://sites.google.com/view/ncyuhes​pss/).

Three campuses invited experts in ​industry, government, and academia ​to promote correct and practical ​disaster prevention and evacuation ​concepts.

The lecturer and students exchange ​ideas and play quiz games for prizes.

NCYU lectured on Civic Competency: ​Protecting Intellectual Property ​Rights to establish proper concepts ​regarding intellectual property rights ​and improve students’ legal ​competencies.

The scholarship for disadvantaged students ​and Financial Aid Informational Meetings

Rental Housing Safety Lecture

More information in ​NCYU HESP Website

Publication Date: June. 2024

Publisher: Office of Research and Development, National Chiayi University

NCYU, Website: https://www.ncyu.edu.tw/

NCYU HESP Website: https://hep.ncyu.edu.tw/


Tel: +886-5-2717161


Office of Research and Development, National Chiayi University 2024. All rights reserved